Creedence Clearwater Revival, dominated by the inimitable vocals of John Fogerty, who at 24 wrote every one of their hits (except Suzie Q) were played around the clock all around America. From San Francisco, but believed by many to be from the South, the band had America up on their feet happily dancing during a year of political turmoil and a very unpopular war.
It was then that the non-political John Fogerty shocked America with an anti-war song that condemned political privilege and those who would make sure their own sons would never see the jungles of Vietnam. "Fortunate Son" is as relevant today as it was in 1969.
"Some folks inherit STAR SPANGLED EYES
Ooh, they send you down to war, Lord
And when you ask 'em, 'How much should we give?'
Ooh, they only answer "More! More! More!"
gets people's blood to boil in a timeless manner as the inequities of the U.S. war machine are exposed once again.
Fogerty was joined onstage by his 21-year-old son on guitar as he covered almost every CCR major hit with a small band that sounded like groups that perform with 10 or more members. Accentuated by psychedelic video screens and lighting, the night was a 1969 experience.
Even though former members of the original band are out on the road performing, they are not CCR without John Fogerty. The man's voice is as powerful, distinctive and recognizable as it was almost 50 years ago.
Primarily a 40-70's age audience, they all came alive with beach balls and the smell of pot everywhere.
Although some late 30's folks could be seen, the audience was clearly devoid of anybody in their 20's. Although they've heard the songs all their lives, it has no relevance to them. If they only knew what they missed.