Q: What Is The Difference Between The Bible, And Thor, the movie I saw the other day?
A: Not Much
They are both filled with fantasy stories, highly exaggerated versions of what really happened, mythology, poetry, spirituality, noble characters, evil characters, good intentions, bad intentions, aspirations and inspiration CREATED AND INTERPRETED BY HUMAN BEINGS.
Human beings are extremely creative and spiritual creatures. They also have been given common sense. But prefer to use their creativity and spirituality over their reason.
When one preacher decided that the world would end this weekend, the media made sure that every person on earth was aware of this fact.
It came from the interpretation by one preacher. There are over 300,000 preachers in America alone. But the creative interpretation of one of them becomes the focal point of everybody's energy for one week in America.
Belief in a higher being, inspiration and spirituality is one thing. But having to listen to the individualized creative interpretation of religious zealots and fanatics who believe they have the only answer (and they can be anybody in your lives) is an unfortunate part of this society.