Rush Limbaugh Goes Through Airport Scanner.
Results Reveal Unusual Anatomical Structure!

by Michael Y. Park
Rush Limbaugh joined hundreds of other Americans this weekend as he
was scrutinized by a full-body X-Ray Machine on his way to a golf
tournament from the Miami Airport. However, security was quickly called as the
result of Limbaugh's scan. Never having dealt with a situation as was revealed
by Limbaugh's presence, the TSA quickly rushed their chief medical officer
to the scene for an analysis.
"It's really quite simple," said the TSA head doctor.
"Rush Limbaugh's head is a giant empty space and his
brain resides instead in his Gluteus Maximus. Quite unusual, but we
saw the same thing with George W. Bush when he was undergoing his
Presidential physical. Nothing to be concerned about."
The TSA says that they were still concerned that Limbaugh could
place a weapon of mass destruction in his empty head cavity but
they were soon relieved when it was explained to them that it was
already completely filled with a lot of hot air.