There was a time when almost everybody trusted their government--no questions asked.
It didn't matter if it was your local city, township, state or federal government.
They always were going to do what was best for you.
The few people who regularly showed up at city council meetings and wrote letters to the editor or stood outside city hall with signs were considered kooks.
Something has happened in just the last two years.
People have realized that all governments run on money--from their pockets and hard work.
The minority who were vocal have become the majority.
When the citizens of Bell, California in the Los Angeles area found out that their part-time (a few hours a week) councilmen were paying themselves $100,000. a year, they became outraged. Those few hours a week would have also entitled them to a pension forever at the same rate.
This scandal is the tip of the iceberg.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are costing you up to $500 million per DAY.
If only there was a national uprising with the same passion that has resulted in the city officials in Bell, California to be scrutinized, we might get back on track as a nation.