As most of the news these days is concerned with Lindsay Lohan, things that are important to humanity are thrown on the back pages of newspapers or buried deep in news websites.
Major advances in cancer, AIDS and blindness that have recently been discovered should have been the top stories.
If you were lucky enough to have read these short blurbs over the last two months you would have been excited for the future of mankind.
You would have realized that human beings have been given brilliant creative genius to solve these problems and they have the ability to see it through.
The only thing lacking is money. Scientists, resources, processes and experimentation costs money. That is the only thing preventing the cures.
When your government which is spending YOUR MONEY THAT YOU WORK FOR would rather invest 500 MILLION a day in death--you get exactly what you are paying for-- destruction, annihilation, massacre and human carnage.
If this 500 MILLION a day was spent on life--you would get growth, vitality, longevity and cures for everything that ails mankind.
When I also said these things when I was 14 and America was wasting its taxpayer's money on Vietnam, I would get looks from all kinds of adults like, "isn't that cute," "the naive child is dreaming," "go back and listen to the Beatles," and other condescending looks and remarks.
At 57, I say the same thing. Human beings have incredible creative abilities to find cures for all of this. They don't have the money. It is being wasted instead on death instead of life.
In this month alone from Afghanistan, 63 American families are getting back a pine box with a souvenir flag and what is left of their son, father, husband, brother or uncle.
It's not a dream. Go look for stories about the recent medical advances. Instead of being concerned with Lindsay Lohan, why don't you speak up and tell your government that their priorities are mixed up and you won't stand for it anymore.
Let me leave you with a nice thought for your day.
Every time that an American missile drone kills innocent men, women and children in a foreign nation--you have blood on your hands. And when you stand before Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Jehovah, Moses or whoever your God of the month is on Judgment Day, you will be personally held responsible and asked why you didn't try and stop the madness.