Over the last two years, Sony has released the 190 Columbia shorts starring The Three Stooges in chronological order in eight volumes. They have all been completely remastered looking like they were appearing at movie theaters for the very first time and the sound has been completely restored to perfection.
Those of you who originally grew up watching The Three Stooges on TV starting in 1959, know that you were watching prints that circulated to TV stations all over the country. You were just a little kid so the wear, scratches, editing, pops, clicks, distortion and holes punched for commercial insertion, did not bother you.
By the time VHS came along, the same horrible prints had been hastily thrown onto the new medium. There was slight improvement for DVD, but still nothing worthy of the funniest comedy team in world history.
Sony, which owns Columbia studios and all their film and TV content, heard the pleas of Stoogephiles worldwide. And finally responded beginning in late 2007.
Having watched all 190 over the last couple years, I can now make the following bold statement:
"Shemp's work is on par with Curly's and even surpasses it in many ways."
Like millions of baby boomers, we all disliked the Shemp episodes.
When Shemp episodes came on WGN in Chicago, there must have been a surge of electric power as refrigerators opened during this "break" while we waited for Curly to return.
How could Shemp even compare to Curly? Curly was physically funny, unpredictable, hilarious and made all those funny noises. Shemp seemed dull, average and a poor substitute for his zany brother.
I as many of you have probably retained that perspective for many years, only catching an episode of the group from time to time.
Baby Boomers are all grown up now and through the miracle of film restoration, I ask you to pick up at least two of the restored volumes, one with Curly and one with Shemp, and reconsider.
Shemp brings something to his Stooge role that was not obvious to you as a kid--a whole layer of sophistication and occasional dignity. Shemp is inventive, has an outstanding range and does also give you everything that Curly gave you including slapstick when called for.
I hope you will give Shemp a chance at being idolized like Moe, Larry and Curly.