I've said it before. Here is why we are in the mess we are in.
Americans love cars. Cars need oil and gas in order to operate.
Americans have had a love affair with not only their cars, but with their favorite brand of service station since the 1920's. Americans use more oil and gas for their automobiles than any other country in the world--and more than most put together.
When the first Earth Day came around in 1970, if you even suggested that the oil companies were greedy bastards and polluting the planet, you were called a Communist. If you suggested that we need to find an alternative energy source, you were considered Un-American.
The government never seriously encouraged any alternatives to oil. The oil companies laughed at such a scenario and suppressed any development of alternative forms of energy.
They brainwashed existing Americans and future generations that oil was the only answer.
So they kept on drilling to keep up with the demand.
Looks like they've sprung a leak.
There's only one answer.
A government bailout in the billions to BP should cover any expenses they've encountered in trying to stop the destruction from 200,000 or more gallons of oil per day. And the cleanup, restoration and other costs--just send a bill to American taxpayers--they're accustomed to picking up the tab.