A few times a year, Sean Hannity, through his organization Freedom Alliance, puts on a series of concerts that have one goal--to raise full and complete college tuition for the sons and daughters of U.S. service personnel who are killed in action. Other funds go to assist military members who have been badly injured in combat zones.
During the promotion of the events, Sean Hannity talks non-stop about the charitable activities and even those who disagree with his politics, have respected his efforts for such a noble cause.
But now, a well documented report (Read The Entire Report Here) has exposed the organization as a huge scam and ripoff.
According to Freedom Alliance's own tax returns, only a tiny amount of the millions raised annually actually goes to the supposed intended recipients--children of those whose parent perished in the line of duty and severely injured vets.
The tiny amount that goes to them is shocking and reprehensible:
According to its 2006 tax returns, Freedom Alliance reported revenue of $10, 822, 785, but only $397,900–or a beyond-measly 3.68%–of that was given to the children of fallen troops as scholarships or as aid to severely injured soldiers.
Freedom Alliance’s 2007 tax returns aren’t much better. Out of $12,459,317 it raised that year, only $895,347–or just 7%–went to seriously wounded troops and scholarships for fallen troops
And then, there are the 2008 Freedom Alliance tax forms, which were signed in November 2009 and filed only recently. That year, Freedom Alliance took in $8,781,431 in revenue and gave $1,060,275.57 total–or just 12%–to seriously wounded soldiers and for scholarships to kids of the fallen.
To make matters worse, Hannity and his entourage fly in ultimate luxury private planes, rent motorcades of the most expensive automobiles and stay in the finest hotels in connection with these events.
I only hated Sean Hannity 90% and gave him 10% credit because of his efforts in raising money for these veterans and their families.
He now joins the rest of them at 100% because of this deplorable scam.