Kansas doesn't make the news very often, but now that it has over this story, you have to really wonder what goes on over there.
It turns out that Kansas (up until this week) has all these years had quite an unusual policy regarding personalized license plates.
Let's say that you wanted the Kansas personalized license plate: HUSKERS
The Kansas DMV would send it to you AS THEY DID to the almost 50 other car owners that wanted it as well.
I am not talking about HUSKERS1 and HUSKERS2, etc., all 50 people who wanted that "HUSKERS" personalized plate received it.
As did 30,000 other people who wanted personalized plates of an already existing license plate.
Apparently, Kansas just figured out that this is not very efficient for many obvious reasons, so they have decided that the first person that had the plate of any duplicate name gets to keep it, and everybody else must find a new one that is not being used.
People who were contacted this week and told they must get a new plate are thinking, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."