You've seen this painting before. You probably didn't know its name.
I knew its name, "Christina's World," and that it was painted by a man named Andrew Wyeth. His most famous painting.
Neither you or I knew the significance behind it--until today.
The artist, Andrew Wyeth, died today at age 91.
Another surprise, did not know he was still alive.
I have always found this to be one of the most haunting paintings I have ever seen.
It had always seemed to me that the girl in the painting was LONGING to get to the house for some reason. And that she was in some state of AGONY.
I felt that the painting clearly implied this and I never researched it further.
Today I was amazed to find out that I had been right, but found out the entire story.
Wyeth painted "Christina's World" after he had met a girl who had polio, couldn't walk and had great difficulty getting around.
This is the astonishing thing. You'll notice that he does not show the girl's face.
Yet, I always inferred the LONGING and AGONY from the movement and position of her body.
Only an artistic genius could accomplish the revelation of these feelings and motivations without showing the subject's face.
Knowing the story also adds an entirely new emotional layer when viewing "Christina's World."
Or just hearing the title.