Every November and December, the religious nuts come out in force and demand special rights and privileges. They are ignorant of the Constitution and could care less about the rights of other members of the community.
A California woman has decided that the best way to force her religion on others is by creating a ballot proposition.
I thought it was a joke when I heard that a woman has filed for a petition to require PUBLIC schools in California to offer Christmas religious music in classrooms and assemblies.
If she can get 500,000 signatures it would be placed in a statewide election.
If such a proposition was actually voted in favor of, it would take about 24 hours for a court to rule that it violates the First Amendment.
But it is amusing watching the efforts.
Here is the actual text (this is real):
Article 1.5. Freedom to Present Christmas Music in Public School Classrooms or
52710. The people of Califomia find and declare both of the following:
(a) Listening to, or performing, Christmas music during the holiday season is a
longstanding American tradition and a significant element of our cultural heritage as
(b) The parents and guardians ofpublic school children should have the right to
decide whether or not their children may hear Christmas music in the classrooms and
assemblies at those schools.
52711. As used in this article, "Christmas music" includes, but is not necessarily
limited to, carols, songs, and instrumental works whose subject matter relates to the
celebration ofthe Christmas holiday or to the season during which that holiday is
52712. (a) Each public elementary and secondary school shall provide
opportunities to its pupils for listening to or performing Christmas music at an
appropriate time ofyear. The appreciation or performance ofthe Christmas music may
be incorporated into the subject matter of an arts or social studies class, presented for
cultural enrichment during a school assembly, or both.
(b) Each public elementary and secondary school shall provide the parent or
guardian ofa pupil with written notice of the presentation or performance of Christmas
music in a classroom or assembly at least 21 calendar days before that pupil would be
required to be present for the presentation or performance of the Christmas music. The
written notice provided to the parent or guardian shall include a tear-off slip or other
method for the parent or guardian to inform the school if he or she chooses that the
pupil not be present for the presentation or performance of the Christmas music.
I THINK I WILL SUBMIT MY OWN PETITION FOR A SIMILAR LAW:Article 1.5. Freedom to Present Hare Krishna Music in Public School Classrooms or
52710. The people of Califomia find and declare both of the following:
(a) Listening to, or performing, Hare Krishna music is a
longstanding American tradition and a significant element of our cultural heritage as
(b) The parents and guardians of public school children should have the right to
decide whether or not their children may hear Hare Krishna music in the classrooms and
assemblies at those schools.
52711. As used in this article, "Hare Krishna music" includes, but is not necessarily
limited to, chants, mantras, songs, dances and instrumental works whose subject matter relates to the celebration of Hare Krishna.
52712. (a) Each public elementary and secondary school shall provide
opportunities to its pupils for listening to or performing Hare Krishna music at an
appropriate time of year. The appreciation or performance of Hare Krishna music may
be incorporated into the subject matter of an arts or social studies class, presented for
cultural enrichment during a school assembly, or both.
(b) Each public elementary and secondary school shall provide the parent or
guardian of a pupil with written notice of the presentation or performance of Hare Krishna
music in a classroom or assembly at least 21 calendar days before that pupil would be
required to be present for the presentation or performance of the Hare Krishna music. The
written notice provided to the parent or guardian shall include a tear-off slip or other
method for the parent or guardian to inform the school if he or she chooses that the
pupil not be present for the presentation or performance of the Hare Krishna music.