I know exactly where I was on June 5, 1968 just after midnight. How could I ever forget?
As a 15-year-old with a quite sophisticated sense of politics, I had just celebrated with hundreds of other people at the Robert F. Kennedy for President headquarters in San Diego, California.
We had watched RFK on TV as he had just won the California primary and had given his famous victory speech, "And now on to Chicago"...
We piled into a car "Let's go up to Los Angeles and celebrate at the Ambassador Hotel!," "I don't know, we have school tomorrow" "What do you want to do?" echoed back and forth in the car, we turned on the radio to further savor the moment...then a hush fell throughout the car...
"NBC News is reporting that shots rang out just after Senator Kennedy declared his victory in California and have seriously injured him and others...stay tuned for further details..."
We were all speechless and headed back home...where we were greeted by alarmed parents with TVs blaring after midnight: "Do you know what has happened???" "Yes." "Are you alright?" "Yes." ...but not really...nobody was...and all American's lives would be changed and affected forever.
You see, from the minute in March, Robert "Bobby" F. Kennedy declared he would be a candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination after President Lyndon "LBJ" Johnson dropped out, I volunteered after school daily and all weekends at his San Diego headquarters. I worked with the greatest enthusiasm for this unique man. Why?
He loved all Americans equally and wanted to see all of them given the same rights--whether they were white, black, brown, red, yellow or any shade in-between. And the people who were not being treated equally in this country could sense his genuine desires and commitment and responded accordingly. Crowds cheered him on like a rock star wherever he went.
He further wanted to stop the Vietnam War. America's 1960's quagmire that tore this country apart.
He was winning all the primaries and all polls indicated that he would beat any Republican in the fall election. Had he gone on to become President of the United States, the war would have ended early sparing thousands of families the grief that they would experience in the years to come, equal rights programs would have been accelerated, bringing this country closer together instead of further apart as it would move from 1969-72.
Working for Bobby Kennedy as a 15-year old had its advantages and disadvantages. Being part of an actual political campaign was exciting and very rewarding. On the other hand, our country was still full of bigots and racists.
And many stupid teenagers who had no sense of politics other than what they would repeat from mom and dad were quite open about saying those things out loud at school:
"Kennedy is a Nigger-Lover" "Only the Spics and Jews will vote for Kennedy." "What are you wasting your time working for that Communist for?"
After all these years, this leads me to publicly say one thing to those close-minded, racist, bigoted, hateful, prejudiced people:
Almost 40 years to the day that Robert F. Kennedy, a man who fought for equality among all Americans was assassinated, a black man has won the nomination for President of a major U.S. political party. He wants to continue to fight for equality for all Americans and end America's latest war. History repeats itself.
And one small note. A few weeks earlier, when Bobby Kennedy was leaving a rally in San Diego, the P.R. people asked that young RFK volunteers come to the airport and put on a show for the media, wearing RFK for President hats, buttons and hold signs. We were not going to be allowed near him, he would enter his private plane in the middle of the air field, we were far away in a terminal.
Well, it seems that when he was walking alone to his plane, one young volunteer ran out the doors, past the tape barriers, to the middle of the tarmac, right to the plane, Senator Kennedy heard somebody coming, turned around, saw an eager 15-year-old-boy wearing his hats and buttons, RFK came down a few steps, took the boy's hand, smiled greatly, looked at him lovingly directly into his eyes for what seemed like an eternity...and then turned around and got into his plane.
The boldest thing I ever did in my life. And I will never regret it.