The U.S. Supreme Court today took away more of your rights to Freedom Of Speech. In a 5-4 ruling, the court ruled against a high school student who held up a nonsensical sign during a parade across the street from his high school.
He was suspended for allegedly advocating drug use and took the case all the way to the Supreme Court. The new Bush-packed Supreme Court ruled in favor of his suspension (which took place in 2002) basically saying that schools may prohibit student expression that can be interpreted as advocating drug use. Previous federal courts had ruled in favor of the student. Oddly enough, a number of traditionally conservative organizations also supported the student as they are afraid that this will lead to schools censoring Christian expression by students.
What does "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" mean? I can understand it if the sign said "Jesus for Bong Hits." It did not say that. If the sign had said "Beer Cans 4 Jesus" would that have equally applied as advocating drug use? If the sign had said "Make Love Not War," a popular 60's-era phrase, would that have qualified for advocating sexual activity, something students must not engage in until age 18 (which we all know is never violated).
The sign was nonsensical. It is just another hypocritical attempt to control freedom of speech in this country. The selection of John Roberts for the Supreme Court by George Bush guaranteed this. And it will happen again until a Democratic President has the chance to replace some of these dinosaurs.
The only positive aspect of this case is that it was a 5-4 ruling. Four of these justices know how to read the Bill of Rights as they were intended.